UOB Corporate Card
The UOB Corporate Card is an effective and flexible payment tool that helps your corporation/company simplify the management of corporate Travel & Entertainment (T&E) expenses of frequent travelling corporate executives.
- Earn year end CASH REBATE of 0.25% on total retail spend (except for Cash Advance and Bank Charges).
- SIMPLIFY your Accounts & Administration process. Best in Class implementations has shown that process cost of paying business expenses by cheques is much higher compared to paying by the Corporate Cards.
- Enjoy longer INTEREST FREE CREDIT PERIOD of 30 days, instead of the usual 20 days on personal credit cards. This improves business Cash Flow and earn more Interest at the same time.
- WEB-BASED Management Information Service site enable viewing of all payments made using the UOB Corporate Card for transparency, control and audit.
- Complimentary Travel Insurance is provided to the traveler whose name is printed on the airline ticket.
Apply Now
So get the UOB CORPORATE CARD today by completing the following :
- UOB Commercial Card (Corporate Member) Application Form
- UOB Commercial Card (Card Member) Application Form
- Terms & Conditions of UOB Commercial Card facility
- UOB AutoBill Pay Form and attach a copy of your business utility bills that has been selected.
- Joint & Several Guarantee (to be completed by Business Owner/Directors)
- Board Resolution (for companies only)
And submit the above 6 items with the following documents:
- 6 months Bank Statement
- Two (2) Years audited Financial Statements
Plus the following documents :
- For Company : Forms 9, 24, 49 & Memorandum & Article of Association
- For Sole Proprietor or Partnership : Business Registration Form;
Please contact us if you need assistance or have any questions :-
E-Mail : bizcard@uob.com.my
Tel : 603 2612 8080
More Information
- Contact our 24-hour UOB Call Centre at:
Kuala Lumpur +6 03-26128 121 Penang +6 04-2401 121 Johor Bahru +6 07-2881 121 Kuching +6 082-287 121 Kota Kinabalu +6 088-477 121 - Email Us